Friday, October 30, 2009

Sanya's Trash the Dress . . . coming soon!

Stay tuned for a Sneak Peek at Sanya's Trash the Dress!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boo on me!

I am an awful blogger. . . sorry and be back soon!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ready for some Weddin'!!

I am getting sooooo excited about Tommy & Kristina's wedding!! October 16th, Michelle Patton ( and I will be heading to Virginia to photograph my adopted brother-in-law Tommy and his wife-to-be Kristina . . . Tommy is my BEST friend Holly's brother, so I consider him family. We are going to have a wonderful time in Tidewater - can't wait, guys!!!
Tommy & Kristina
October 17, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Caroline's a Senior!!!

I can't believe that Caroline is a senior already! It seems like just yesterday (14 years ago!) that I met her and the family. I truly enjoyed being the one to photograph her at this special time -- beau Brandon came along for some sweet 'couple' pics, too. Thanks, Teresa, for allowing me this wonderful opportunity. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm back!

Wow! It's been such a busy year and I've been quite slack! This year has brought me a couple of two year olds . . . and tantrums, fits, and everything else that goes along with being two. I haven't done much work this year because it's been so demanding around the house. I hope to get back on track this weekend and get some pictures taken. I'll post some of the ones I've done over the last few months. . . I had a great time with the ones I did, especially the McClean wedding. Here goes nothing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time for thanks

I have decided that I am a very lucky person. I have known this, however, I have recently have lots of requests for photos and I am thrilled. I love doing this. I love capturing that half-smile (beit from gas or not) that little ones give you . . . the satisfaction from the mom for a smiling toddler . . . or just the straight-up relief from it all being over. I have had the pleasure to recently reshoot the Price Family and also my niece Mckenna. I am so excited over the potential for the part-time "business" to become a real "job." Thank you to everyone that makes this possible and I give thanks every day for my wonderful husband that pulls my weight when I'm not there or I'm on here.